What is the Capacity Limit for Bars and Restaurants in Eau Claire, Wisconsin?

The Lakely bar and grill in Eau Claire, Wisconsin is a popular spot for locals and visitors alike. Guests can enjoy a relaxed atmosphere with friendly staff, delicious food, and specialty drinks. Brothers is another great option for those looking for a modernized return to the old Midwest corner tavern. The Pablo Group's pillar of Experiences also offers a variety of bars and restaurants in the area, such as Every Buddy's Bar & Grill in Chippewa Falls.

Recently, Governor Tony Evers issued an order that limited businesses such as bars and restaurants to 25 percent of their usual indoor capacity. However, this order was blocked by a state appeals court. This means that there is currently no maximum capacity for bars and restaurants in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. It is important to note that while guests can still enjoy the great food and drinks at these establishments, they should be aware of the current situation and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety.

For example, it is recommended that guests make reservations if possible to avoid overcrowding. Additionally, guests should practice social distancing while at the bar or restaurant. Overall, it is hard to imagine that guests won't leave The Lakely bar and grill or Every Buddy's Bar & Grill satisfied. However, it is important to remember that there is currently no maximum capacity for bars and restaurants in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.